Hara Gisholt Selected as Co-President of the Women's International Shipping & Trading Association NY/NJ Chapter
March 31, 2021
Besides WISTA, Hara has been active in the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce and the Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce and has chaired their annual shipping conference where she actively sought to promote WISTA members as speakers. Hara also serves on the Board of NYMAR.

WISTA USA, founded in 1997, is among the largest National WISTA Associations (NWAs) worldwide, with over 700 members spread across eleven regional Chapters: Connecticut; Delaware River & Bay Area; Florida; Great Lakes/Midwest; New England; New Orleans; New York / New Jersey; the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Washington, and Oregon); Texas; Washington, DC Metro; and West Coast (California and Hawaii). Their members represent all facets of the maritime industry, including shipowners, charterers, operators, brokers, bankers, insurance professionals, attorneys, analysts, and government officials.
WISTA USA’s main goals are providing networking and educational opportunities for their members. In pursuit of these objectives, their various regional Chapters hold periodic meetings, seminars, and social gatherings throughout the year, occasionally in conjunction with larger marine industry events. In addition, the WISTA USA Annual General Meeting takes place each spring, and the International Conference, open to all WISTA members worldwide, takes place each fall. All of these events – whether local, regional, national, or international – provide networking and educational opportunities for their members and thereby enhance the benefits of membership in the organization.