Wind Deductible Buy Down Now Available for Homeowners
For homeowners who own properties within 50 miles of the coast and currently have a separate wind/hail deductible, there is now an option to buy down your deductible.
Typically, this option is most beneficial when there is a percentage deductible, and the homeowner wants to have a lower, flat deductible in the event of a wind/hail event.
If a home is insured for $2,000,000 with a 2% wind/hail deductible, the deductible for a wind/hail event would be $40,000.
For a fixed premium, that deductible could be bought down to a $10,000 flat deductible.
This new coverage option is currently available in all U.S. coastal states, with the option to buy down to as low as $10,000 flat.
Contact one of our Private Client associates to learn more.